After graduation, I attended BYU-I and studied Health Science. While attending school, I also worked for the Ririe School District. It was totally wierd at first! Going to teacher inservice days were very awkward sitting next to Mrs. Packebush and Coach Dodd!! But, after 4 years, I learned to appreciate them, and some of them are now my greatest friends. While attending BYU-I my roommates and I had a bet on who could get a date online first. I totally lost, but actually ended up meeting my husband online because of that silly bet. Bryan and I met in early 2005, and were married in October of that same year. Thats still strange to me, and we usually tell people that we met through a mutual friend!!
We continued living in the Rigby area until 2008 when we bought our first home in Pocatello, Idaho. Bryan works as a Senior Investigator for United States Investigative Services (USIS). We welcomed our first of 3 sons in June of 2008, Grant. in 2010 I began working for Onsite Health, a mobile health company, as a Hearing Conservationist. I traveled once or twice a month to different military bases and performed the hearing test for our military personnel. After our second son Dane was born in 2012, I decided to stay at home full time. That was a good thing because (surprise) we welcomed our third son, Clark in 2013!! Yikes! Our life is very busy with 3 young boys, but we wouldn't change it for anything. We are currently living in Chubbuck, Idaho and loving life. I hope that the past 10 years has found each of you much happiness as well!